Volksschule Neustiftgasse

Pumpkin Carving with the 2A

Halloween Jack O’Lantern with 2A Every year Miss Jeannie carves pumpkins with the second graders. First the kids get to pass around the pumpkin. Then we cut off the top of the pumpkin and look inside… lots of slimy seeds! Next the kids help to clean out the pumpkin. What a  gooey, sticky, slimy, messy […]

Halloween with Miss Jeannie

All the kids know that Miss Jeannie loves Halloween. In the third grades we learned about witches and crafted some colorful witches feet. In the 2a and 2b we carved pumpkins and made spooky Jack O’Lanterns. To review body parts, we sang a song about a crazy, funny monster and then painted some of our […]

Welcome to first grade English! 1A and 1B

In the first grade, learning English is as easy as learning A is for Apple. That’s why our first lessons begin with talking all about apples. We learned the song, ‚Five Little Apples Hanging on a Tree,‘ and then talked about which color apples we like the best. The kids loved taking turns saying, ‚I […]

Remembering the Romans in 4A and 4B

In the 4B the kids learned all about the Romans. They learned about the foods they ate, the battles they fought, and the clothes they wore. With Miss Jeannie, the kids watched an English Youtube tutorial of how to draw a Roman Soldier. Remember, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. 🙂

English in the OVS Neustiftgasse!

English is so much fun. Here are some insights: Happy New Year! In the 4A we talked about what we want to do, where we want to go, what we want to see, eat, and learn in 2018.  The kids drew self-portraits and wrote short paragraphs in English about all their plans for the new […]

English/CLIL Classes in October

Miss Jeannie and the kids at EPS Neustiftgasse love the month of October because we get to learn about Halloween! In the first grades we painted orange pumpkins, learning how to blend watercolors. In the second grades we painted up-close monsters, learning how to use tools to trace circles for the monsters eyes.  We talked […]

Herbstwerkstatt in der 3a

In den vergangenen Wochen war der Herbst großes Thema in der 3a. Zunächst haben die Kinder eine gemeinsame Herbstwand gestaltet, wo jedes Kind zeichnen und schreiben konnte, was der Herbst für es bedeutet. Im Laufe der folgenden Wochen arbeiteten alle Kinder mit unterschiedlichen Materialien zum Herbst. Dabei hatten sie die Möglichkeit, individuell nach ihrem Können […]

All About Me!

Learning to talk about myself in English At the beginning of the school year we review how to talk about ourselves with All-About-Me projects. In the second grades we review talking about our feelings and drew self-portraits. In the third grades the students created super hero flags with information about themselves. In the 4A the […]

English is fun!

What I see in Spring! (1A)   Life Cycle of a Chicken (2B) My Bicycle (4A and 4B) Simpson Self-Portraits  (4A and 4B) Learning about Body Parts: Monsters in 3B   Seasons and Months of the Year in 2C     Catching snowflakes on my tongue! (4A and 3B   Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa Claus […]

European Primary School – Wir feiern unseren neuen Namen!

Unsere Volksschule hat einen neuen Namen! Seit diesem Schuljahr sind wir eine „European Primary School“. Das freut uns sehr, denn wir haben nun zwei bis drei Stunden Englisch pro Woche und das mit unserer Miss Jeannie aus Amerika. Jedoch haben wir nicht nur vermehrt Englisch, sondern wir beschäftigen uns nun auch intensiver mit Europa. Aus […]